Open Access

“Results of publicly financed research should be online and freely available. That is the aim of the open access movement. [The open access] website gives information on recent developments and practical advice.”

For open access Ontwerpwerk got the opportunity to create an entire new website for them. Because of my master’s degree in Networked Media, which put a lot of emphasis on the open source philosophy, I really enjoyed working on this project. One of the challenges was to create a visually pleasing website without having images or a corporate identity available, and to make the website accessible for the very different personas.

I was involved with the making of a prototype which also served as a wireframe for the designer, who I then guided together with the project manager in his creative process. After that I built the website.
This project is very much alive and continues to grow, e.g. over time we added a dashboard featuring charts with the number of open access publications per publisher.

Highlights: Charts, testimonials, tooltips on hover, timeline.

Visit the website

screenshot homepage website open access